Houdini's 1919 action film Monday, May 2 - 7:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting Long thought lost, Houdini's 1919 action film "The Grim Game" was discovered in a basement in NYC. After a long saga, the film was restored and given a new audio score in 2015 by Turner Classic Movies.
Then, in 2022, The Houdini Museum of Scranton, PA and its proprietors, Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brooks, sought to present the film as part of the S.A.M.'s global Houdini Birthday Tribute party. While the film was in the public domain and could be shown, the score was copyrighted and owned by TCM. So, Dietrich turned to Chicago's own multi-talented magi-musician John Sturk to provide the new, royalty-free, improvised score. Join S.A.M. 3 for a brief presentation about the film's production, disappearance, then restoration with John, followed by only the second ever screening of the new film and score. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84264230246?pwd=V0d0T3FjRFh2NjloVTZ1Qk9rcGhZUT09 Meeting ID: 842 6423 0246 Passcode: 445709 Comments are closed.
July 2024
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